On a day of the days, Colum was walking alone by the sea-shore. The monks were at the hoe or the spade, and some milking the kye, and some at the fishing. They say it was on the first day of the Faoilleach Geamhraidh, the day that is called Am Fhill Brighde, and that they call Candlemas over yonder.
The holy man had wandered on to where the rocks are, opposite to Soa. He was praying and praying; and it is said that whenever he prayed aloud, the barren egg in the nest would quicken, and the blighted bud unfold, and the butterfly break its shroud.
Of a sudden he came upon a great black seal, lying silent on the rocks, with wicked eyes.
“My blessing upon you, O Ron,” he said, with the good kind courteousness that was his.
“Droch spadadh ort,” answered the seal, “A bad end to you, Colum of the Gown.”
“Sure now,” said Colum angrily, “I am knowing by that curse that you are no friend of Christ, but of the evil pagan faith out of the north. For here I am known ever as Colum the White, or as Colum the Saint; and it is only the Picts and the wanton Normen who deride me because of the holy white robe I wear.”
“Well, well,” replied the seal, speaking the good Gaelic as though it were the tongue of the deep sea, as God knows it may be for all you, I, or the blind wind can say; “well, well, let that thing be: it’s a wave-way here or a wave-way there. But now, if it is a druid you are, whether of fire or of Christ, be telling me where my woman is, and where my little daughter.”
At this, Colum looked at him for a long while. Then he knew.
“It is a man you were once, O Ron?”
“Maybe ay and maybe no.”
“|And with that thick Gaelic that you have, it will be out of the north isles you come?”
“That is a true thing.”
“Now I am for knowing at last who and what you are. You are one of the race of Odrum the Pagan?”
“Well, I am not denying it, Colum. And what is more, I am Angus MacOdrum, Aonghas mac Torcall mhic Odrum, and the name I am known by is Black Angus.”
“A fitting name too,” said Colum the Holy, “because of the black sin in your heart, and the black end God has in store for you.”
At that Black Angus laughed.
“Why is the laughter upon you, Man-Seal?”
“Well, it is because of the good company I’ll be having. But, now, give me the word: Are you for having seen or heard of a woman called Kirsteen MÕVurich?”
“Kirsteen -- that is the good name of a nun it is, and no sea-wanton!”
“O, a name here or a name there s soft sand. And so you cannot be for telling me where my woman is?”
“Then a stake for your belly, and nails through your hands, thirst on your tongue, and the corbies at your eyne!”
And, with that, Black Angus louped into the green water, and the hoarse wild laugh of him sprang into the air and fell dead upon the shore like a wind-spent mew.
Colum went slowly back to the brethren, brooding deep. “God is good,” he said in a low voice, again and again; and each time that he spoke there came a daisy into the grass, or a bird rose, with song to it for the first time, wonderful and sweet to hear.
As he drew near to the House of God he met Murtagh, an old monk of the ancient race of the isles.
“Who is Kirsteen M’Vurich, Murtagh?” he asked.
“She was a good servant of Christ, she was, in the south isles, O Colum, till Black Angus won her to the sea.”
“And when was that?”
“Nigh upon a thousand years ago.”
“But can mortal sin live as long as that?”
“Ay, it endureth. Long, long ago, before Oisin sang, before Fionn, before Cuchullin, was a glorious great prince, and in the days when the Tuatha-de-Danann were sole lords in all green Banba, Black Angus made the woman Kirsteen M’Vurich leave the place of prayer and go down to the sea-sbore, and there he leaped upon her and made her his prey, and she followed him into the sea.”
“And is death above her now?”
“No. She is the woman that weaves the sea-spells at the wild place out yonder that is known as Earraid: she that is called the seawitch.”
“Then why was Black Angus for the seeking her here and the seeking her there?”
“It is the Doom. It is Adam’s first wife she is, that sea-witch over there, where the foam is ever in the sharp fangs of the rocks.”
“And who will he be?”
“His body is the body of Angus, the son of Torcall of the race of Odrum, for all that a seal be is to the seeming; but the soul of him is Judas.”
“Black Judas, Murtagh?”
“Ay, Black Judas, Colum.”
But with that, Ivor Macrae rose abruptly from before the fire, saying that he would speak no more that night. And truly enough there was a wild, lone, desolate cry in the wind, and a slapping of the waves one upon the other with an eerie laughing sound, and the screaming of a seamew that was like a human thing.
So I touched the shawl of his mother, who looked up with startled eyes and said, “God be with us”; and then I opened the door, and the salt smell of the wrack was in my nostrils, and the great drowning blackness of the night.